Institute of Rural Management

Anand, Gujarat | | Estd: 1979
Autonomous College | Contact : 02692 260391, 02692 260181

Institute of Rural Management is located at Anand, Gujarat.The institute was set up in 1979 with a mandate to professionalise management of rural producers’ organisations and create a body of knowledge in the field of rural management. The major facilities are library with 2628 books, video casstettes, 40 cd-roms and 919 microforms, computer lab, recreation facilitie, separate hostels for boys and girls etc.According to a survey conducted by career360, the institute in the 21st position in global publication count. The major research papers of the faculty are understanding SOA perspective of e-governance in indian context case based study, resettlement realities the gulf between poliy and practice etc.The major recruiters are Axis bank, Digital Green, ICICI, IFMR, etc.The various student activities are annual festival,allumini meet,national management institutes etc.

       Address: Sarkhej - Post Box No. 60, Anand, Gujarat, India- 388001

